Thursday, October 30, 2008

9 month appointment

Jake had his 9 month appointment last night...lucky dog got out of shots this time! (He was supposed to get the flu shot, but they ran out that to that, now I have to haul him back in there again next week....) Here is the run down on the big weigh in:

20 lbs (45th percentile)
29 inches long!!!!!! (75th percentile)

He got another good report from the doctor, he's right on track with everything, which is always good to hear, especially after the random runny noses, fevers, etc....that we've been dealing with in the past few weeks, I was relieved to hear that everything looked fine (and I guess we can just chalk all that crappy stuff up to teething)

I also think I need to buy an examination table for my house...why, you ask? Because the kid was ecstatic to be playing with the paper that they spread out on the table. By the time the doctor came in, Jake had shredded most of the paper that had covered the table, thrown it around the table and the floor and was using the table as his own personal jumperoo, using Brian's hands to brace himself as he jumped up and down and up and down and up and down.....

When we told the dr he was being a monkey for Halloween, he said that seemed to be a very fitting costume :)


  1. seriously, I need a roll of that paper, too. amelia would have it shred, but man did she love it at that age. I think she secretly still does.

  2. Its not quite the same kind of paper, but you can buy big rolls of paper at Staples. That might fit your needs.

  3. Glad to hear all is well with Jake. I am taking M back for her second flu shot next week. Blah.
