Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Swing baby, yea!

Unfortunately, the trees at our house are not conducive to swinging; the branches are either too small, too high or the tree just isn't in the right place to hang a swing. The good news is, there are plenty of trees at G.G. and Pappy's house to hang one from! I picked up a swing at Toys R Us (Little Tykes) a few weeks ago on end-of-summer clearance and Pappy was nice enough to install it for us. We tested it out this weekend & it was a hit!!

At first, he wasn't sure what to make of it...

But soon, he had a smile plastered across his face as daddy pushed the swing (sometimes a bit too high for mommy's liking!)

Of course, we had to go back out the next morning to get some more use out of the swing before heading back up to Pittsburgh....here is Jake sporting his stylish new hat that Mommy is mildly obsessed with:

1 comment:

  1. OMG. I haven't been to your site in a while. Jake looks so much like you. When did that happen?
