Monday, July 7, 2008

On the road again...

Jake is becoming quite the traveler...this past weekend was his 2nd trip to Virginia to stay with Uncle Dennis & Aunt Melissa. We were going down for the weekend for a wedding and it just so happened to be about 15 minutes from where they live...worked out very well for us! We stayed at Hotel de la Martini & the place came with babysitters for us. We went down Friday morning (which was the 4th of July) but the weather was not very cooperative for many outdoor activites, but we still had fun eating the standard Independence Day food of burgers/hot dogs/corn on the cob, followed by a night of board games! Our good friend from Pitt, Hannah, stopped by for a visit as well!

The wedding was gorgeous and we had a great time! It was my friend Jon from high school, so I got to see some friends that I normally only get to see either at weddings or over Christmas, so it's always good to get caught up. Here is the whole Washpa crew, plus significant others/fiancees/spouses:
While we had a good time, it was HOT. I actually broke a sweat (and for those of you who know me well, you know that this is a very rare occurence!) I tried to stay as cool as possible, but the band was awesome and the music was too good to not dance! Fortunately, they had some very yummy lemonade on tap!
The night was also a big accomplishment for Brian & was our first night away from Jake (well, both of us together away from him-we've each been away from him separately at night, but never both of us at the same time) All in all, I have to say that I did a pretty good job...I only called Melissa once to check in! (and I waited until after the ceremony!) When I called to check in, she reported that so far he had pooped out of his diaper and onto his outfit & was getting ready to have a bottle :) She got some good practice in for the arrival of her little one in September! I was proud of myself that I got through the night without tears (though I did miss getting to tuck him in for bedtime) and it was nice to have some time to ourselves.


  1. good for you guys for getting out! oh and I'm LOVING the color of your dress! Good choice!

  2. Yeah. WOW... good for you guys for getting out. You are an inspiration. That sounds dorky, but I mean it sincerely. You are one hot mama!!
