Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Just keep swimming, just keep swimming....

As promised in the last post, here are the pictures of Jake's first time swimming. We bought him a little inflatable baby boat that worked out very well ($9.99 at BRU, if anyone needs one!) and he seemed very content to just float around the pool in it!

When he wasn't in his boat, Aunt Amy was giving him swim lessons (he would pull his legs up & his little feet would stick up out of the water, he looked like a chubby little frog!)

While Gracie has been swimming before, we can't really say that she loved it, so we weren't going to put her in the pool this time. She started out sunbathing on the pool deck, but quickly became overwhelmed with jealousy that everyone was in the pool except for her, she couldn't stand it! She started crying & trying to jump into the pool...eventually she got back in, then wanted to get back in, then wanted out, then in...you get the picture....here she is, sporting the "drowned rat" look:

Since the first day of swimming was such a success (and it was even hotter outside the next day) we decided to go again...this time, Jake lasted about 15 minutes, then passed out in his little boat! He ended up sleeping for an hour & a half, just relaxed as could be, floating around!


  1. napping in a little boat in the pool...sign me up! Too cute!

  2. The pics of him napping are so freakin' adorable!
