Thursday, May 22, 2008

4 month appointment

Can you believe my baby is 4 months old already?? Here are the stats from the pediatrician appointment last night:

15 lbs, 3 oz (60th percentile)

25 1/4 inches long (65th percentile)

He's well on his way to being a tall boy! He was in perfect health and took his shots like a champ with just a bit of screaming (once again, I think it was harder on me than him) The dr. gave us the green light to start solids anytime we'd like, but I think we're going to hold off until closer to 6 months, we're in no hurry---he has the rest of his life to make a mess out of himself at mealtimes :)

1 comment:

  1. What does his bum say? :) He is just adorable. I can't believe he is 4 months already. WOW.
