Sunday, March 23, 2008

bunnies & babies

We hosted Easter at our's the 2nd year in a row, but I was anticipating this year to be more challenging with a new baby, but it went very well (it didn't hurt that I had a lot of help from the moms!) Everything turned out to be edible & no one got sick, so I consider it a success. I also loved the way the table turned out, I get really excited by the little details in life (plus, I love any excuse to bust out my china!)

The Easter Bunny was very generous to Jake for his first Easter...don't worry, the candy is for me, not him (and I'm not very good at sharing my sweets, so it's a good thing that he doesn't notice)

Here is my side of the family:

And here is Brian's:

1 comment:

  1. Your Easter table looked beautiful. Your china, stemware, and silver are lovely. P.S. This is one of your non-12 yo boy internet friends
