Friday, October 23, 2015

Favorite Finds Friday: Fall Edition

It's been a loooooooong time since I've done a Favorite Finds Friday post, but with all of the fall stuff I've been loving lately, I figured now was the time to jump back in!

1. Old Navy Plaid Infinity Scarf
One of the things I love most about cooler weather are the scarves that come with it.  I love that they enable me to be lazy, since I don't really have to piece together a whole outfit...stick a plain old tshirt or long sleeved shirt on, pick out a scarf and I'm good to go!  I can wear essentially the same outfit every few days, but it looks totally different because of the scarves.

I found my new favorite scarf at Old Navy the other day....and you know I only buy stuff on sale, so I snagged it for just $8!

See that mug in my hand?  That's one of my other fall favorites; it's from the Better Homes and Garden line at Walmart from 2 years ago.  It says "thankful" and it makes me happy!

2.  Essie "Smokin' Hot" nail polish
I snapped that picture above because it was a catch-all...see that color on my nails?  One of my favorites for fall, Essie's Smokin' Hot

3. Starbucks Toasted Graham Latte 
You know I look forward to the Pumpkin Spice Latte every year, but I couldn't resist sampling their newest drink, the Toasted Graham Latte last weekend and it did not disappoint!!

image courtesy of

I think I've mentioned on here before that Liam loves to tag along on my trips to Target; he is completely content to ride in the cart, eat snacks, and help me shop.  He was REALLY into it recently when I decided I wanted to try the new latte, so I treated him to a chocolate milk from Starbucks.  He's already asked when we can "go on another Target date and get drinks while we shop"...I've created a monster!!

4. Target Fall Decor
 Like most women in America, I suffer from that issue where you walk into Target for 3 things and come out with a cart load, having no recollection of what just happened to you.

image courtesy of
It's a problem.

Recent trips have been no exception, as I move breathlessly from aisle to aisle, taking in the gorgeous fall I need a new door mat?  Look at this wooden pumpkin! How do I not yet have a pumpkin shaped serving bowl in my life??  Is that a fox wearing a pilgrim hat?

I showed some restraint my past 2 trips and only walked out with 2 new items...and they were each just $3, score!!


Happy Friday!!

Thursday, October 1, 2015

"You're doing a great job".

 The bus came to a screeching halt along a very busy road in the middle of rush hour; we had almost blown right by the person who had been waiting there, needing a ride.  The brakes slammed; all of us who were standing did that awkward thing where we kind of swung forward, trying to balance ourselves while also making sure our bags weren't hitting anyone who was sitting.

The person at the bus stop hurried along to get on; it was a young mom.  I mean, young.  Maybe 16 or 17. She got on with a diaper bag on her shoulder, a large folded up stroller in one hand, and a baby in a car seat in the other hand.  She had her money all ready to go, I could see it there in her hand....but the car seat was so bulky it was preventing her from getting her hand close enough to the box to put the money in. The stroller was taking up all of the room in front of her, so there was nowhere to set the carseat down to free up her hand. 

I was back toward the middle of the bus, standing, a line of people in front of me, the bus was jam packed....watching the scene unfold, and hoping in my head that the bus driver would take the cash for her, or offer to help...something.  Instead, the driver looked visibly annoyed.

Just when I thought she was going to burst into tears, and I started trying to figure out how many people I would have to elbow through to get up front, someone in the front got out of their seat.  A kind woman left her stuff in her seat, worked her way to the front of the bus and put the money in for her.  The young girl had relief written all over her face as she shifted her arms to try and figure out where to go.  Thankfully, a man stood up and motioned to her that she could have his seat.  A different woman offered to get her stroller.

The young girl sat down with her tiny baby in the carseat and was looking up at the ceiling of the bus, blinking.  I recognized that move...we've all been there, right?  The times we look up, willing ourselves to not cry, to not let the tears come because you know once they do they're hard to stop.

As she was looking up, the woman who first got up to help her with the money (who was now sitting beside her), patted her on the leg and said "You're doing a great job".

5 words.  That's it.

But those 5 words with the simple gesture of a pat on the leg and a loving look toward the tiny baby caused a huge smile to come over this girl's face.  Just like that.  Her body language transformed, and while I couldn't hear the rest of the conversation, I could tell she was speaking to the woman who'd shown her kindness for the rest of the bus trip. 

 I could feel for this girl....young or not, we've all been there.  Maybe not on the bus...maybe in line at Target, with a kid who has asked 542 times for a candy bar in line, as you're fishing around in your purse for your wallet, feeling yourself grow more and more flustered as the cashier stands there, waiting for you.  Maybe at daycare drop off, when it's you who has the crying kid, the one who is scared to go in, clinging to your legs or even worse, trying to bolt out the door while screaming his head off.

The whole experience on the bus was maybe 3 minutes total, but it really made me think about how I should be more intentional in my interactions with people.  So often, I see others in those situations and sure, I have sympathy for them in my head or think to myself, "Oh, yes...I've been there before!" but rarely do I say anything.

5 words.

You're doing a great job.

I need to start saying it.

To the mom with the crying the dad struggling at daycare drop the cashier who is still trying to learn her job and can't get the scanner to Jake when he's trying to read but getting frustrated because he doesn't know all of the Liam when he's trying to build with Legos but can't quite get them to do what he wants them to.

You're doing a great job.