Sunday, November 22, 2009

Book Review: "Firefly Lane"

Firefly Lane
Kristin Hannah

I had heard a lot of great things about this book and I was not disappointed. From the very first chapter, I was swept up in the characters' lives and couldn't wait to read everyday on my commute (now that I'm taking the bus again, my reading time has increased significantly). I'm not sure how I would even classify this book....a little bit of chick lit, coming-of-age, romance and drama.

Definitely pick this one up!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

BFF's Reunite!

This past weekend, BFF's all around were & Melissa, Jake & Ben! We loaded up the car & headed to VA to visit our bestest friends. The boys did a lot of playing and Jake has been asking for "Bean" (aka-Ben) since we came home.

On Saturday, the men spent some quality time together while Melissa & I got in some quality shopping time at the outlets. You're probably thinking that you're impressed with my early-Christmas shopping...don't be. This was a totally selfish trip. We had one mission in mind: JEANS. We were on the hunt for jeans that were stylish, flattering and didn't show off the top half of our backsides when we bent over (NOT a cute look anymore...well, let's face it, it was never a cute look....but now it's just not socially acceptable)

We both had luck at Gap (CLEARANCE! FRIENDS & FAMILY SALE! I HAD TO CONTROL MYSELF!) and I found another pair at Banana Republic. I'm still on the hunt for a pair of Sevens (after trying on a pair of Melissa's, I was in heaven....who knew jeans could be so soft??) but I'm glad to have found the others.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Happy Halloween!

Our little penguin made his rounds on Saturday....first, we went to a neighborhood pre-trick or treat party. Here is Jake, looking at a bit nervous about a kid wearing a Spiderman mask that was sitting next to him during the story that was being read:

Next, it was off to do the real thing! We weren't really sure how he'd do and we really only wanted to take him to a few houses of people that we know and show off his costume :) For someone who has never had candy, Jake very quickly caught onto the fact that when he held out his little bag & said "Treat!" he would get something. He'd get so excited and take each piece of candy out to inspect it (fortunately for mommy, he seemed to be drawn to the bright orange packaging of Reeses favorite)

After hitting a few houses, we headed back to our house to warm up and pass out candy....he was, quite possibly, even more into this activity. He handed out the candy to each & every trick or treater that came to the door (even the tiny infants and the moms and dads who were trick or treating....don't even get me started on this, grrrrrrr.....)

Here's a look back at Jake, over the last 3 Halloweens:

2007 (about 6.5 months pregnant....Brian refused to dress as Kevin Federline, I'm not sure why....)

2008 (9 months old)

2009 (21 months old)